Kid's Games

Kid's Educational Games

Play Kids Games provides 

free online kids games that 

are both fun and 

educational.   Play kids 

games offers kids a  safe 

environment to discover 

their abilities and learn 

new skills with interactive 

and fun computer games. Our commitment to parents, teachers, and kids, 

is to connect learning and skill building with a sense of challenge, fun, and 

self esteem.  Both kids love a good game, and online games can be both 

educational and a relaxing diversion from the stresses of everyday life. In 

addition to being free and fun, online games are a great way to stay 

mentally active.  Free games are available online to fit any interest you 

have, whether you want to play alone or with other people.  Many sites 

offer a wide variety of games including card games, puzzle and word 

games, sports games, arcade games and more.   Free educational online 

games for kids of all ages, but best suited for middle and high school 

students.  Each game is focused aroung a real life idea that has won a 

Nobal Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Peace or 

Economics.  Simply click on a topic and get ready to learn.  Educational 

games are games that have been specifically designed to teach people 

about a certain subject, expand concept, reinforce development, 

understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill 

as they play.  Educational video games are considered a type of serious 

game, as these games have a strong purpose other than pure 

entertainment.  An educational computer game can be defined as an 

electronic medium with all the characteristics of a gaming environment that

have intended educational outcomes targeted at specific groups of 

learnes.  Many children today also find these "educational" games to lack

much interesting content to them, as they are considered by oder children 

to be "for preschoolers".  Chess is a fun way for your child to exercise

their brain, interact with other children, and improve their critical

thinking and strategy skills.  Playing sudoku can improve your child's 

critical thinking, math, and logic skills.  these puzzles vary in level of 

difficulty and can provide fun for students of all ages.